Saturday, April 30, 2011

William and Kate

So the Lifetime movie William and Kate (for now you can still watch it all on Lifetime's site at that link) that I worked on aired and my jogging scene with Kate is right in the beginning and I am totally visible on camera for about a minute. It was pretty exciting for me, I watched it with my roommates Wendy and Suzanne. I tweeted the girls over at my favorite blog Go Fug Yourself because they were reviewing the movie and they actually featured me in their post on it! Check it out!

Then they went to bed but I decided to be ridiculous and stayed up and watched the wedding. I did think Kate's dress was beautiful and I loved that my old youth group leader Kari was also up for it so we had a lot of fun facebook chatting about it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Griffins and Tigers and Extras Oh my!

So I got a job through Virgo Talent, which was good I was starting to wonder if I had made a mistake in registering with them because it had been about 6 weeks. Anyways the job paid pretty well and it was to do background for a commercial. Much to my surprise and delight the e-mail with our instructions said, "There will be a tiger on set".

As it turns out it was a commercial for the video game Rage and the commercial is starring Blake Griffin as he tries to get himself into the game. Among other things he dunks over a tiger. I got to be outside for the scene where he is in a motion capture suit and knocks over a bunch of mannequins and so because I was already outside for that I wasn't in the group that got to work with the tiger. I was kinda bummed about that, but according to the others they hardly got to go near it, I did get to see it from inside out holding area and I snapped a picture.

I also was in some office scenes sitting at a desk while the leads were talking, then I was crowded around a window, I drove by Blake holding a sign in my car and I got to walk with another girl while Blake is shaving outside and chases us into the office building. So when that commercial comes out I should probably be pretty easy to spot!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I got my headshots done yesterday, I actually have a few hundred pictures LOL But these are the ones that we decided we liked best and went ahead and did some retouching on. The photographer is really nice and is a friend of a friend so I got a pretty good deal on them, I think they turned out pretty well. Ken helped me resize them so that I can add them on LA Casting, a website for actors to find roles, mostly smaller roles or larger roles in smaller productions but they have a lot of commercials and a lot of music videos so hopefully this works out well!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

So, I have hardly been working at all lately and am starting to look for part time jobs. I know that it is summer hiatus for most TV shows so there is less work to go around, but still I think Cut Above should be finding more work than they are. I finally got booked on a commercial for today that paid much better than average. The call time was early in the morning so I packed all my stuff the night before, made a lunch because lots of commercial sets don't feed you and got to bed early.

In the morning I forgot to bring my bag that had all my extra shirts in it, but I did remember the bag that had my extra shoes, scarf, hat and changes of pants. I realized my mistake as soon as I got there (I was there 35 minutes early) and offered to drive home and get the stuff, the assistant director said not to worry about it. But the wardrobe lady flipped out at me about it, and told me off when we were showing her our options. She then made me change into a pair of mesh shorts and a tank top (pretty much everybody else was in jeans and hoodies, which I was wearing when I showed up). While I was changing she was very loudly complaining about me to the other wardrobe people.

The shoot itself was really quick and we were done in just under 3 hours, even though we were getting paid $150 so it was kinda OK overall. But when I got home I received an e-mail saying that the casting directory had gotten two phone calls from production and one from wardrobe because I didn't bring extra changes of clothes. That really made me mad because that wardrobe lady must have complained so much that other people called about it and then she still called about it herself, what a bitch.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pretty Little Liars

So my call in service allows us to call and have them submit us for jobs that Central Casting is working on, which is great because it saves the trouble of having to call their line a million times to try and get through. It also is good because it lets you have a bit more control over what projects that you work on. Using that system I was able to get to work on one of my current favorite shows, Pretty Little Liars.

The bonus of this was that it films on the Warner Brothers lot, which I had yet to get on. I was really excited about this, because I was a huge WB fan back that what was a network and Warner also produces some of my all time favorite TV/Movies like Batman (movies and cartoons) and of course the Animaniacs, who famously lived in that tower!

The shoot itself wasn't the greatest because it was a night shoot, so that is always cold and we didn't work long enough to get overtime but oh well. I got to have a little part in a show I love! Also, it is filmed on the same sets as Gilmore Girls which I used to watch all the time with Chrissy in college, kinda funny how they use the same little fake small town over again. I eventually got done about 2:30 in the morning, so I went home and went to bed and then slept in about half the day.

Tonight was our weekly house dinner, Suzanne made fried rice, which I helped to season...but I might have to take some time and teach her my signature recipe for it, cause not to brag but she ain't got nothin on me LOL

Friday, April 8, 2011

Late Night Brunch

So last night I was talking with my roommate Wendy and we decided it would be really fun to have brunch for dinner. Brunch for dinner is a lot like breakfast for dinner, but with mimosas. So she and I walked down to the store (I love that I can walk to the grocery store) and picked up some stuff to make a nice brunch for dinner.

I made an egg bake that had eggs, zucchini, asparagus and onion, she made a fruit salad and Paige cooked up some bacon and sausage. We also got a few bottles of champaign and orange juice and just had a great night with the roommates all talking, laughing, eating and drinking.