Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First day and Rage debut

Well yesterday I had an audition for a Scandinavian commercial, I am not really sure what they are selling but all I had to do for it was sit in a chair and pretend to be watching a horror movie. Hopefully I got picked, it is kinda hard to know if you did good or bad on something like that. The commercial audition happened to be right by my office, so after that I went to the office early and then just sat outside and read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, which I started on the plane ride over the weekend. Then I went and grabbed some dinner and then started my shift.

The job itself is obviously a bit harder than being in training, because we're on the phones the entire time. I didn't do very well, but I think a lot of that was that I had a sort of emotional weekend and was still jet lagged. A few of us were taken aside after we lost enough calls and after that I started to do a bit better.

I found out via twitter (Follow Me) that the Rage commercial I did is now out. ESPN did this little behind the scenes video for it, you can see me in it.

And here is the finished product, which I am really easy to spot at the beginning wearing a green long-sleeved polo. I also pop up a number of other times for like half a second, so have fun playing where's Andrew....like Where's Waldo, but more fun.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

You Win Some and You Loose Some

I had my first audition today, but it didn't go very well. It was for the lead in a short film, I got the audition through LA Casting. When you get an audition they give you "sides" which are the parts of the script they want you to practice for the audition. The sides for this part were REALLY long, but only sporadic pieces of monologue here and there, it was really difficult to practice for. Anyways when I got there they had changed a few words around and it completely messed me up and I got flustered and really blew it. Oh well, it was only for a short film and it didn't pay very much so it isn't a huge loss and at least it was a new experience.

Some better news is that I found a part-time job. I am doing non-profit fundraising over the phone. I didn't want to work in a call center again but this job is very flexible with the hours. I can pretty much just work weekends and that will leave Monday-Friday available to do background work and auditions (hopefully future auditions will go better)

I am doing audience work tonight on the Hells Kitchen finale, it was the first paying gig I've gotten from LA Casting so at least the services of the site are starting to pay for themselves!